
When the Securities and Exchange Commission eliminated the practice of fixed brokerage commissions on May 1, 1975, none of the major brokerage firms at the time thought anyone would ‘break ranks’ and offer discounted commissions. But, a handful of small firms, including First Omaha Securities, Inc., saw a unique opportunity. First Omaha Securities evolved into TD Ameritrade, and for over 40 years has remained a pioneer in an industry that continues to innovate new ways that make Wall Street more accessible to the individual investor.

  • We believe in simplicity, from straightforward pricing on investment products and services to insightful analysis and commentary on trading and financial markets. Our tools and trading software are intuitive and innovative and our educational webcasts, live-chat broadcasts and other programs on investment and personal finances are accessible. Our online electronic investment publications and access to third-party reports offer pragmatic guidance and information. Our support services are available to our clients whenever they need it.
  • Today, TD Ameritrade provides investing and trading services for 11 million client accounts that total more than $1 trillion in assets, and custodial services for more than 6,000 independent registered investment advisors. With clients placing, on average, approximately 500,000 trades each day, it maintains the leadership position it assumed when founder Joe Ricketts opened his doors in Omaha, NE, in 1975.



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